Revised Wikipedia entry: "MSNBC is an American network that provides LIE after LIE after LIE..." Unknown 3:18 AM Earlier today, the Wikipedia entry for MSNBC was updated to include the following description: MSNBC (formerly stylized as msnbc) is an Am... Read more
The corrupt leftist media's new strategy: Tweet a false headline, then later issue a correction. Their gullible viewers retweet the fake story, but not the truth. Unknown 3:49 AM Leftist mainstream media sources appear to have adopted a new strategy in their efforts to spread fake news. This involves tweeting a comple... Read more
Hypocrite Tim Kaine calls for democrats to fight in the streets, then fakes sadness when they fight in the streets. Unknown 4:06 AM In an interview with MSNBC, Senator Tim Kaine said: " What we've got to do is fight in congress, fight in the courts, fight in t... Read more
Happy birthday, President Trump! Unknown 4:23 AM Happy 71st birthday, President Trump! Wishing you the great birthday you deserve for all the great things you do on behalf of every Americ... Read more
Under his FBI Employment Agreement, Comey would forfeit any profits from a leak-related book deal. Unknown 4:41 AM Following the Comey Hearing last week, reports began circulating that publishers were lining up to offer disgraced former Director of the FB... Read more
Smirnoff mock the false 'Russia narrative' which the gullible leftist media were taken in by. Unknown 6:01 AM Smirnoff vodka have shown they have a sense of humor with their latest advert campaign. Their billboard advert mocks the false 'Russia n... Read more
James Comey broke his FBI Employment Agreement when he leaked. Unknown 4:21 AM James Comey, the disgraced former director of the FBI, broke his FBI Employment Agreement when he leaked 'information acquired by virtue... Read more